Can you do Laser Hair Removal when Pregnant

can you do laser hair removal when pregnant

Can you do Laser Hair Removal when Pregnant

Many people use laser hair removal to reduce hair growth. It’s applied to the face, legs, underarms, and bikini line. But can you do laser hair removal when pregnant? Should pregnant women undergo laser hair removal? Many physicians believe the answer is no.

Here are why it is less likely to succeed during pregnancy and when it is worthwhile to devote time and money to the therapy.

How does laser hair removal work?

A light beam is directed to the region to be treated by a physician or laser technician. The laser focuses on the pigment in each hair and sends heat down the hair shaft and into the follicle. Heat will kill the follicle, and it will never produce hair again. Hair may recover if just the follicle is damaged, but it will most likely be thinner and lighter than before.

Pregnancy and every hair

The body is overwhelmed with hormones when pregnant. Elevated estrogen and androgen levels during the third trimester of pregnancy can encourage haircan you do laser hair removal when pregnant growth in previously bald regions. As a result, hair may grow on your tummy, neck, face, arms and breasts. This hair growth is completely normal and usually goes on its own once the baby is born.

Pregnancy hormones affect where hair grows and how much you must deal with and change your hair’s development cycle. Anagen is the active growth phase of your head and body hairs. When the follicle matures, it enters a resting period known as telogen, after which it falls out. Because pregnant hormones delay the “falling out,” you may notice thicker, fuller hair. Your body does not lose the typical amount of hair.

Excess hair will come out three to six months after your child’s delivery when your hormone levels have returned to normal. Telogen effluvium is the medical term for sudden hair loss. Due to estrogen-induced hair growth and the increased difficulty of reaching some areas of your body as your belly develops, you may wonder if you should schedule a laser hair removal treatment as an alternative to waxing, shaving, or using depilatory products.

The fundamental cause of the delay is a lack of safety research. In 2017, a credible source published an article about the safety of cosmetic procedures for pregnant women in the Women’s Dermatology International Journal. While lasers have been used effectively to treat medical conditions such as kidney stones and genital warts in pregnant women, the reviewers found no safety data to support using lasers for aesthetic procedures such as laser hair removal.

The scarcity of research on this issue is unlikely to alter very soon since professionals are reluctant to intentionally expose mothers and babies to potentially hazardous items and practices. For example, although laser hair removal is generally considered a safe procedure, physicians and dermatologists often advise women to avoid it since no studies have demonstrated its safety for pregnant or nursing women. In the absence of empirical proof, clinicians err on caution.

Dr. Kelly Jago, an OB-GYN in Florida, advises patients to proceed cautiously. “My best advice is to postpone this elective procedure till after pregnancy,” she explains.

Other reasons to postpone till after delivery

Hyperpigmentation, or skin darkening, is one of the most common alterations during pregnancy. According to Mayo Clinic doctors, laser hair removal is most effective when the skin and hair colours differ. However, if hyperpigmentation has caused the skin in your target region to be the same colour as your hair, the treatment may be less effective.

Furthermore, pregnancy disrupts the typical development cycle of the hair. Laser hair removal may need up to six treatments to be successful. These medicines should preferably be administered during the active development phase. However, because pregnancy hormones can change the duration of some stages, you may receive therapy at the wrong time.

There’s also the problem of skin sensitivity to consider. Pregnancy increases blood flow throughout the body. It also stretches the skin on the abdomen and breasts. It may be uncomfortable to have laser hair removal treatments when your skin is in this vulnerable state.

Can laser hair removal interfere with pregnancy?

No evidence exists that laser hair removal affects a woman’s ability to conceive. You should see your doctor before beginning laser hair removal treatments if you’re planning to get pregnant. Hair growth reduction takes a series of treatments spread out over up to nine months. Skin irritation, changes in skin tone, blistering, scarring, and, in rare cases, excessive hair regrowth are all potential risks.

Laser hair removal alternatives

During pregnancy, temporary treatments are safe, including shaving, waxing, threading, and plucking. However, as your body changes shape and size, you may want assistance reaching some areas to remove unwanted hair.

So, can you do laser hair removal when pregnant? We do not recommend it. However, after pregnancy, if you’re thinking of getting the best laser hair removal in Toronto, which not give a call. They are conveniently located at 600 Sherbourne St (across from Sherbourne St and Bloor St Subway Station).

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Can you do Laser Hair Removal when Pregnant
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