How to Lose Belly Fat

how to lose belly fat


Is there an easy way to lose belly fat?  HIEMT is a body contouring treatment plan that uses cutting-edge belly fat burners to help you lose up to 19% of your belly fat while increasing muscle mass by up to 16%. You’ve worked hard in the past to acquire a slimmer, toner physique through exercise and healthy eating, so why does that stubborn belly fat still linger on your tummy?

How can you lose abdominal fat after you’ve already exercised and dieted? Belly fat is tough to eliminate since more fat cells in the belly area do not respond well to lipolysis. Lipolysis is the body’s technique for breaking down fat and making it absorbable. The difficulty is that belly fat cells have an alpha receptor, which causes them to release energy more slowly than fat cells in other places of the body, which have beta receptors and respond faster to weight loss therapy. So, keep reading if you want to learn how to lose belly fat.

how to lose belly fat


Belly fat is the fat tissue that surrounds the abdomen. Visceral and subcutaneous body fat are the two types of belly fat.


Visceral fat is the fat that surrounds your organs. It is also referred to as “hidden” fat since it is found deep within the abdomen, especially around the liver, intestines, and other organs. Visceral fat accounts for about 10% of your total body fat. It is possible to have a flat stomach and still have visceral fat (TOFI – “thin exterior fat inside”). Visceral fat is the more harmful of the two forms of fat. Type 2 diabetes, asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s, breast and colorectal cancer, and stroke are all risk factors for high visceral fat. Research has established that fat cells, particularly visceral fat cells, have been biologically active since the mid-1990s. These fat cells function as endocrine organs, secreting hormones and other chemicals that influence other tissues in the body.

Who is predisposed to Visceral Fat?

Visceral fat can develop in both males and women. Men have more visceral fat than women, although this changes throughout menopause. We gain weight as we get older. The amount of fat you gain is determined by various factors, including your hormones, DNA, and birth weight (underweight babies tend to gain more belly fat later in life). Women who have just given birth usually have more significant visceral fat. As a man’s visceral fat in the belly develops, it begins to extend the abdomen outwards, resulting in a huge, firm, and hard-feeling abdomen known as a beer belly or pot belly. Because the visceral fat is behind the muscle, a beer belly feels hard.

How Do You Calculate Visceral Fat?

An imaging scanner, such as a CT scan or an MRI, can be used to assess visceral fat accurately. If you merely want to see if you’re a good candidate for visceral fat, you can measure your waist, calculate your BMI, and determine your hip-to-waist ratio. A waist measurement over 40 inches is significant in men, indicating visceral fat. It is 35 inches for women. This is only an average and does not account for exceptionally huge or small people. Calculate 35.5 inches for men and 31.5 inches for women if you are of Asian origin.

The BMI is a formula that calculates your weight based on your height. A BMI over 30 is considered overweight and has a visceral fat marker. If you are Asian, a BMI of 23 or higher may also suggest visceral fat.

To calculate the hip-to-waist ratio, divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement. Some doctors believe it can provide a decent indication of visceral fat.


Subcutaneous fat is fat that is found in the layer right beneath your skin. Subcutaneous fat accounts for around 90% of your total body fat. Subcutaneous fat is the jiggly loose soft, or fatty tissue you feel when you squeeze your tummy.

Who is more likely to develop subcutaneous fat?

Subcutaneous fat is lower in men than in women. As a result, more women have excess fat, including their arms, buttocks, thighs, and tummies. Men have less subcutaneous fat than women. Therefore, they are slimmer everywhere except their stomachs, which are caused by predominantly visceral fat but also a layer of subcutaneous fat.

Which is more difficult to lose, the visceral or subcutaneous belly fat?

Visceral belly fat and subcutaneous belly fat are not the same things, and knowing how to lose belly fat is essential to target each one. Visceral fat is the first fat to lose while beginning a new workout regimen or healthy diet. So the good news is that you will first see weight loss in your stomach. However, if you’ve achieved a leaner, smaller tummy by dieting and exercising, some of this subcutaneous fat tends to remain and be the last to leave.

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How to Lose Belly Fat
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