Belly Fat Burners

belly fat burners

Belly Fat Burners

How to Shed Belly Fat the Easy Way is a body contouring treatment plan that uses cutting-edge belly fat burners to help you lose up to 19% of your belly fat while increasing muscle mass by up to 16%. You’ve worked hard in the past to acquire a slimmer, toner physique through exercise and healthy eating, so why does that stubborn belly fat still linger on your tummy?

How can you lose abdominal fat after you’ve already exercised and dieted? Belly fat is tough to eliminate since more fat cells in the belly area do not respond well to lipolysis. Lipolysis is the body’s technique for breaking down fat and making it valuable and absorbable. The difficulty is that belly fat cells have an alpha receptor, which causes them to release energy more slowly than fat cells in other places of the body, which have beta receptors and respond faster to weight loss therapy. So, keep reading to learn how to lose belly fat.

  • Non-Invasive, Safe, and Painless Body Contouring
  • Lose Fat and Gain Muscle
  • Only 30-Minutes each Session, 4-6 Sessions
  • Many clinical studies demonstrate the efficacy of HIEMT technology.

body contouring with belly fat burners

How Does HIEMT Body Contouring Help You Lose Belly Fat?

If you wish to target the subcutaneous fat in your abdomen, you might be suitable for HIEMT body contouring. If you’ve developed a protruding beer belly, none of the five body contouring treatments will work unless you first decrease the visceral fat with a suitable diet or exercise program. Once you have reduced most of your visceral belly fat, you can perform HIEMT body contouring procedures to finish off the residual subcutaneous fat underneath the skin.

A 30-minute HIEMT therapy is equivalent to 20,000 sit-ups. This is a high-intensity workout in a short amount of time. For your belly treatment, we will place two paddles on your belly. When the therapy starts, you will feel intense spasms in your abdomen. The treatment is not painful but will feel like good exercise afterward.

We recommend doing a bundle of 8 to receive the full benefits of HIEMT body contouring. Fortunately, at Body Contouring Clinic, we have DRASTICALLY REDUCED THE PRICE OF OUR HIEMT PROCEDURE so that more men and women can benefit from it.

Lose Belly Fat with a Non-Invasive Body Contouring

Laser Skin Clinic specializes in non-invasive body contouring, a cosmetic treatment used to tighten and tone the body. These procedures are the most effective strategy to lose stubborn fat and gain muscle mass. Each treatment focuses on the skin, muscles, and fat, reducing fat deposits while boosting muscle mass, resulting in a more toned, “contoured” figure. Do you have stubborn subcutaneous fat deposits in your stomach, thighs, arms, and buttocks that do not react to exercise or diet? This treatment is perfect for contouring and sculpting these difficult-to-tone areas.

How much do HIEMT body contouring belly fat burners cost?

We offer several pricing choices for your HIEMT body contouring fat burners treatment, with or without membership. However, if you intend to do monthly maintenance sessions after your initial package, you are strongly advised to purchase the membership and SAVE even more.

We provide three pricing options for your HIEMT body contouring treatments: no membership, $50 membership, and FREE membership. You pay $375 for each Session if you do not have a membership. You pay $150 for each Session with a $50 subscription. To obtain a FREE membership, purchase one of our packages.

$375 per Session without membership

Membership is $50.

Membership Fee: $50 | Reg: SALE: $150 per Session $375 per Session (pay as you go, unlimited sessions)

Membership is free

  • Package of 4 | Regular prices: $1,500 SALE PRICE: $600 (SAVE 60%)
  • Box of 5 | Regular prices: $1,875 SALE: $693 (SAVINGS OF 63%).
  • Package of 6 | Regular prices: $2,250 SALE: $787 (65% OFF)
  • Package of 8 | Regular prices: $3,000 SALE: $900 (70%) OFF

Every Session lasts 30 minutes.

Body Contouring Toronto - belly fat burners


All you have to do for your body contour treatment is lie down and relax. There is a sensation of severe muscle contractions during the treatment. There is no discomfort, no sweating, and no adverse effects on the body. It is not necessary to undress. We recommend wearing a sleeveless shirt and lycra tights (for buttocks & thighs). One hour before or after treatment, do not eat anything.

Treatment time:

  • In most cases, one treatment region takes 30-60 minutes with minimal downtime.
  • Typically, multiple treatments are required to achieve satisfactory results.


How many seminars will I require?

The recommended treatments are four to eight, spaced about three days apart.

How long will the treatment last?

The treatment lasts about 30 minutes. To avoid overstressing the muscles, we start the treatment with a modest power level and gradually increase it depending on your tolerance level. The machine is turned down at the end of your treatment to finish with several deliberate, calm contractions. This helps flush out lactic acid and toxins, ensuring no build-up and that your muscles do not feel fully over-exercised, even if they are.

When can I see the results?

You should notice a difference in your appearance after your first treatment. However, the optimum outcomes will be obtained two to four weeks following your previous Session. Clinical studies indicate that you should anticipate losing roughly 19% body fat and gaining 16% muscular mass.

Set up a free consultation today

Are you looking for belly fat burners? Do you want a treatment that can build muscle and lose fat? Fill out our online form,  and we’ll contact you as soon as possible with the pricing and any questions you may have. Contact our tattoo removal Toronto or Richmond Hill Clinic. CLICK HERE


Belly Fat Burners
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